First Things First: The AutoForm Pareto Principle. An Easy-to-Use Methodology to Ensure Consistently Accurate Simulation Results


    In this video you will learn:

    • What is the AutoForm Pareto Principle.
    • How accurate process maturity is evolved.
    • What parameters secure 80% of overall simulation accuracy.
    • How to achieve simulation accuracy.
    • Using this model for troubleshooting problems.

    Why this video:

    We wanted to unveil an easy-to-use methodology to ensure consistent accuracy. The AutoForm Pareto Principle coordinates the optimal engineering process in terms of optimization efforts and accuracy achievement.

    When simulations are based on the Pareto Principle, modelling parameters are applied and, hence, modelling accuracy is achieved in accordance with widely accepted quality assurance principles. Furthermore, engineers are able to make the right decisions in order to eliminate potential risks and achieve a robust production process at the end.

    View the webinar recording to discover how to achieve and secure simulation accuracy to systematically ensure and improve modelling and simulation result quality.

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    Shashenka Harekopa, Product Manager

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