See the latest Webinar VIDEO! How to account for accurate friction and lubrication data in sheet metal forming simulations – the Recording!

Tribology, friction and lubrication play a key role in the production of high-quality sheet metal parts. In forming simulations, often a constant value for the friction coefficient is used which limits the overall simulation accuracy. Therefore, many companies are increasingly spending efforts on accurately accounting for these tribological effects so to achieve a new level of stamping simulation accuracy.

Our tribology experts Dr. Johan Hol and Dr. Sanaz Berahmani presented the most recent developments in the field of tribology in sheet metal forming. They explored the TriboForm software which allows the user to quickly simulate the effects of tool coatings, lubricants, material surface characteristics or new sheet materials on friction and ultimately on product quality.

In the video, first the importance of friction and lubrication in the field of sheet metal forming is discussed and a number of industrial application cases are presented. A demonstration is provided on how to generate friction models and quickly integrate these models in your sheet metal forming simulations. Based on a real industrial application case from Ford Otosan it is shown how to improve simulation accuracy and how to produce defect free products by simply optimizing your tribology system.

After the webinar you’ll have an understanding of:

  • The importance of friction and lubrication in forming simulations
  • The application of TriboForm in combination with AutoForm
  • Generating and exporting your own friction models
  • Processing and using your own experimental friction data

Want to find out more? Contact your local AutoForm Office for a software trial here.


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