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Walmaz: Building a Full Digital Process Workflow

Using Forming Simulation Data as Input for Fatigue and Other Thermo-Mechanical Analyses Introduction In recent years, the demand for higher-performing products has grown significantly. To meet...

Join the AutoForm Global Webinar: Process Design to Meet Digital Transformation...

Join our upcoming webinar and discover: The meaning of the term “Smart Geometry Workflow” and its significance Time-saving strategies for developing an efficient and...

Aurock: Cracked Part Case Study

Lenny Jacquinot and Fabien Nazaret, respectively Modeling & Simulation Manager and CEO of Aurock, share their experience in bringing process simulation to various sheet...

Tempered Steel: Looking at Hot Forming Approaches

Introduction Whether powered by an internal combustion engine or electricity, reducing vehicle weight remains a top priority in the automotive industry. Two major advantages of...

Advancing Crash Performance: A Comparative Analysis of Hot Forming and Cold...

Introduction The automotive industry is constantly evolving, with manufacturers seeking new ways to enhance their vehicles’ performance, particularly in terms of crashworthiness. Strengthening a vehicle’s...

Changan China: Methods to Improve Aluminum Panel Process Design

1. Goals and Needs The unique characteristics of aluminum sheet materials make it challenging for tryout personnel to optimize the final physical adjustments after manufacturing...

Phoenix 3D Metaal: Rubber Pad Forming Process Becomes 3X Better Using...

Introduction Phoenix 3D Metaal is a producer of stamped parts with a unique niche in the metal-forming industry. They offer a specialized rubber pad forming...

Join the AutoForm Global Webinar: From Strip Layout Design to Validation:...

The webinar will focus on the following topics: Live demonstration of progressive die engineering workflow using a complex example Rapid and systematic designing...

Risk, Resilience, and Reinvention: The EPALFER Success Story

In just over 20 years, EPALFER has grown into one of Europe’s leading independent toolmakers for the automotive industry. Located in Segadães, Portugal, EPALFER...

A Novel Method to Quantify Microstructure of Advanced High Strength Steels

In recent years, innovations in artificial intelligence have revolutionized various industries. One notable application of data modeling in materials science is a project led...

Smart Die Draw-In Process Established at a Chinese OEM

In this article, we explore how specific strategies improved the development of automotive parts at an anonymous OEM in China, highlighting the positive impact...

GMTCK Die & Press: Digital Engineering Continuity within One System (Part...

Aligned with the slogan of GMTCK Die & Press, Bold Reformation Beyond Expectations, the Manufacturing Engineering Die Process Engineering Team has initiated bold reforms...

Cameron Tool: Optimizing DieFace Quality Geometry and Simulation Feasibility Processing

Cameron Tool, located in Lansing, Michigan, is situated between Grand Rapids and Detroit. Consequently, its primary source of projects is the automotive sector, although...

Leveraging Assembly Simulation to Build Perfect Assemblies from Parts 10 Times...

Introduction For decades, the simulation of processes such as stamping, cold and hot forming, and roll forming has greatly benefited the automotive industry. Today’s advanced...

Horizontal and Vertical Numerical Simulation Systems and Their Application

Various software programs based on Finite Element Method (FEM) have been developed by universities, research institutes, and companies, aiming to meet the diverse needs...

300% Faster Aluminum Quenching Time: Impression Technologies & Fischer Group HFQ...

Introduction Aluminum hot forming offers several advantages. However, many OEMs are still cautious about investing in this technology, as has always been the case in...

Join the AutoForm Global Webinar: Compensation Strategies to Achieve BiW Assembly...

In this webinar, you will gain valuable insights into the following key areas: Key method to identify the most influential parts of an assembly ...

Key Benefits and Drivers for the Adoption of Hot Form Quench...

Introduction Cold forming of aluminum has been in use for several decades, but its capabilities constrain the products it can create. This process restricts design...

Join the AutoForm Global Webinar: Smart Engineering for Smart Tool Tryout,...

In this webinar, we will talk about: SMART Stamping Process Engineering as pre-requisite for Smart Tryout Data produced by engineering to effectively support tryout ...

The part-thickness dependent Forming Limit Curve that does not suffer from...

Forming Limit Curves made easy FLCs (Forming Limit Curves) are essential tools for evaluating the formability of parts, showing the maximum level of strain...

Join the AutoForm Global Webinar: Unlock the Potential of Digital Process...

Discover how AutoForm's state-of-the-art technology can revolutionize your operations by:  Streamlining Efficiency: Create process plans quickly and accurately Optimizing Costs: Reduce waste...

LINGYUN China: Predict & Optimize Welding Distortion of Side Rail Assembly

The side sill assembly is a crucial car component, contributing to both safety and quality. To meet safety requirements, it is typically constructed from...

Hot Form Quench (HFQ®) Technology: Transforming Automotive Sustainability Through Innovation

Achieving net zero is a crucial target for all manufacturing companies, especially in the automotive industry, which faces increasing regulation. Original equipment manufacturers (OEMs)...

Gestamp: Turning Challenges into Opportunities—Sustainable Advances in the Manufacturing Industry

In pursuit of continuous process improvement, Gestamp has embraced recent recommendations we presented on integrating stamping and assembly processes solutions. In collaboration with the...

NIO China: Avoiding Thermal Distortions after E-Coating & Baking with BiW...

Introduction During the heating and cooling treatments involved in coating electrophoresis or post-painting baking, the body side outer panel of a Body in White (BiW)...

Thriving as a Stamping Die Builder in the North American Automotive...

Tom Cacic, G.S. Die & Design, Inc. Due to the real and ever-growing pressures and new demands in the automotive world, such as the need...

Recognizing a Great Place to Work in Stamping & BiW Assembly...

We all aspire to achieve a meaningful career at a great company. In today’s article, we get to see how Mouhcine Kahziz transitioned from...

Schuler Industrial Use of the FAST Aluminum Hot Forming Method

In this article, we explore a groundbreaking process jointly developed by Schuler in collaboration with Imperial College London and Hanlei (Guangdong) Technologies. The process...

Stamping Out Stereotypes: One Woman’s Success Story in Stamping at Ford...

Our Women in Stamping series has proven to be very popular. In this new blog post, Berna Tunali from Ford Otosan reports on her...

Mitsubishi Motors Reports: Efficiently Implementing Die Face Compensation

In recent years, reverse engineering methods have gained significant attention in the automotive industry’s tooling sector. In designing manufacturing automotive parts, tooling profoundly impacts...
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