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One of General Motors’ Approaches for Springback Compensation with AutoForm

Springback is a phenomenon we just can't avoid in sheet metal forming. Depending on the part geometry, material and die face design, we'll observe...

Volvo Cars Precision Study: Assessing the Impact of Tooling Roughness on...

In a collaborative study, AutoForm, Volvo Cars, and the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the Blekinge Institute of Technology in Sweden analyzed the influence...

Join the AutoForm Global Webinar: Process Design with a New Approach,...

We are thrilled by the tremendous interest and engagement in our last webinar! Due to the great response and feedback from our community, we...

Nissan Production Enhancement: Robustness Analysis Identifies Factors Behind Unexpected Splits

Nissan Motors, facing unexpected splits during mass production, launched a project to identify the influencing factors using simulation. Here’s how the project unfolded. Lightweighting Woes...

Mondragon & Ford: Advanced Friction Models for Industrial Stamping Process Simulation

Sheet metal forming is a cornerstone of mass production, producing complex shapes with high accuracy and minimal waste. This intricate process involves several stages...

Join the AutoForm Global Webinar: Virtual Tool Buy-Off as Stamping Process...

Theory and practice on why and how to embed this method in the stamping process engineering In this webinar, we will explore: Why virtual tool...

Aerospace Case: SATE Leverages Simulation to Gain Design Expertise

In our previous articles, we covered how aerospace part supplier Senior Aerospace Thermal Engineering (SATE) a UK-based aerospace component manufacturer and part of Senior...

Process Design with a New Approach

For those who missed this online event, you can now see the webinar video! Please note: this video will only be available to the public...

SATE: The New Aerospace Stamping Case

In our previous article, we covered how aerospace part supplier Senior Aerospace Thermal Engineering (SATE) a UK-based aerospace component manufacturer and part of Senior...

SATE UK: Advancing Aerospace Part Design and Production through Simulation

Introduction Simulation software, a longtime staple in the automobile industry, is gaining momentum in aerospace engineering for designing parts and stamping processes. In this article, we...

How to Achieve Accurate Material Simulations If You are Not Able...

How to get accurate simulations without spending a fortune on complex material testing?  Tata Steel experts have developed advanced material models for forming limit curves...

Continued Evolution of BiW Assembly Process Development

For those who missed this online event, you can now see the webinar video! Please note: this video will only be available to the public...

Meconet Wins Stamping Clients: Quantifying Simulation Cost Savings

Meconet is a North-European manufacturer of high-quality stamping panels for forestry harvesting vehicles, off-road vehicles, and various other applications, serving clients like AGCO, John Deere,...

Validating Assembly: Has a New Era of Digital Prototyping in BiW...

Examining a real case study to assess our current standing Our ultimate goal is to build car bodies efficiently, striving for the quickest turnaround and...

Spring Symposium of the NADDRG: Pulling Back the Curtain on Industry-Relevant...

The recent and accelerating trend towards electrification of vehicle drive trains has added urgency to the automotive industry’s challenge of building attractive vehicles that...

Digital Tool Compensation Methodology: Rapid Creation of Compensated and Validated CAD...

For those who missed this online event, you can now see the webinar video! Please note: this video will only be available to the public...

Five Statements from Women at General Motors on Our Industry

The automotive industry is undergoing rapid transformation, fueled by innovation in technology and the changing face of its workforce. Women are playing a key...

Three Volkswagen Women Have Their Say on Women in Stamping

Celebrating International Women’s Day in the BiW Stamping & Assembly Industry The automotive industry is undergoing rapid transformation, fueled by innovation in technology and the...

Two Women from Delga Brazil on Women in Stamping Today

On Overcoming Obstacles for Women in Stamping This is part two of our Women in Stamping Series, celebrating equality and opportunity. See Part 1 | See Part 2 |...

Women in Stamping: Navigating the Engineering World

Is the engineering world an inclusive working environment offering equal opportunity? Is the industry doing enough to encourage women to pursue both hands-on engineering...

Design with Confidence: Reduce Risk with Early Feasibility Analysis

For those who missed this online event, you can now see the webinar video! Please note: this video will only be available to the public...

Innovation in Action: How Simulation Resolves Manufacturing Assembly Challenges

Introduction The last few decades have seen a tremendous surge in productivity in the development of Body-in-White (BiW) components. Forming tools and processes are now...

GOITECH Korea Digital Transformation Feasibility Case Study

A Practical Case Study on Streamlining Engineering Processes As discussed in Part 1, we aim to present an enhanced process using AutoForm's DieDesigner for customers...

Ensure Consistent Dimensional Accuracy with Robust Springback Compensation

For those who missed this online event, you can now see the webinar video! Please note: this video will only be available to the public...

Geometry Engineering at Stellantis Increases Efficiency of Body in White Assembly...

At Stellantis, we don't need to talk about quality because it's a given. That being said, we are continually striving to enhance our processes...

Launching the Digital Transformation for Optimum Feasibility with Time Saving Process...

Part 1. Enhancing the Efficiency of Your Engineering Process Design What does “optimum engineering process” mean to you? The cornerstone of efficient material use is to...

Integrated Tool Geometry Workflow from Concept to CNC

For those who missed this online event, you can now see the webinar video! Please note: this video will only be available to the public...

Trimline Optimization: Insights from Gallarati s.r.l. on Conducting and Analyzing This...

Trimline optimization serves as the third pillar of the tool tryout process, alongside springback compensation and tool spotting. Its objective is to produce a...

Assembly Process Optimization: A Strategic Alternative to Part Optimization – A...

Introduction The introduction of forming simulation software has revolutionized the design and execution of complex forming processes, significantly reducing the time and effort required. Tasks...

Impression Technologies: Unlocking Ultra-High Strength Aluminum Lightweighting through HFQ Hot Forming

The ultimate aim of the sheet metal industry is to manufacture products that meet quality standards as efficiently as possible. Ongoing research continually seeks...
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