Two Ways to Sign Up to Forming World and What’s Next!
FormingWorld is the most visited automotive sheet metal forming blog online! Covering a range of topics from stamping, hotforming, aluminum and AHSS forming, digital engineering and tryout – the site has now accumulated quite a following, with over 6,000 regular readers a month!
If you haven’t signed up to our blog, this post covers what’s in it for you.
What you get by following
In its first three years Forming World has published almost 150 blog posts, giving away valuable expertize from the industry’s top sheet metal experts from AutoForm and other companies. The platform features light-weighting and value engineering consultants who have provided their own independent blog posts! What’s more YOU are welcome to contribute your own blog post to promote your own sheet metal forming consultation services, or part and die making services.
FormingWorld is therefore a community made up of digital sheet metal engineers, technical forming experts, leading researchers, decision makers, students and software users.
You can read articles in the categories of: Accuracy, Aluminum Forming, Customer Stories, Hot Forming, Tips & Techniques, Robustness, Tool Design, Tryout and more! Our customer stories feature OEMs like Volvo, Nissan and Toyota who reveal their forming methods here.
Two ways to follow
The easiest way to stay informed to sign up through the opt-in form on the right of this page! Just enter your email. We’ll send you the top three posts every month. We’ll never send you any marketing emails and will never share your data with anyone else.
The second option to follow our blog is to subscribe via our RSS feed.
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What’s next for
FormingWorld will see new blogging activities coming in with several joint ventures. We’ll keep providing the latest research on sheet metal forming as well as practical forming tips. But, we’ll now expand our coverage by delivering more entertaining content for your enjoyment! See for example our most popular post “What is the Top Movie Featuring Sheet Metal Stamping?” which is a must-read!
Our coming “Untold Forming Files” series will offer true stories from the world of sheet metal stamping that have never been disclosed before. FormingWorld Lead Editor Sam Clough draws upon interviews from those involved and employs his story writing skills to deliver engaging short stories to readers!
The coming year of 2021 will also see many new webinars presented by the industries top sheet metal forming experts. In addition, our coming “Science Talk” series will provide insights into industry advancements featuring interviews with researchers, professors, and university project teams who share the latest developments. The special focus of our blog for 2021 is “Understanding and Achieving Accuracy in Simulation.”
Lastly, the next phase of our activity brings major growth for, the Japanese language version of this blog. Aside from reaching Japanese readers, you can expect to see more OEM and tool maker background stories come our way featuring the latest forming trends in Japan!
Stay tuned for more!
*Cover image courtesy of Schuler Group.