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A Question of Speed: How Good is Good Enough?

Are You Leaving Money on the Table by Ignoring Risk? In this blog post Michael Stippak and Burkhard Ravagni address the question of savings by...

Nissan Optimizes Surface Defects with TriboForm! Accuracy Up by 20% –...

Case Study Opens Sustainable Growth and Business Evolution In this blog post Ms. Natsumi Goda from the Stamping Engineering Department at Nissan Motor Company (hereafter...

Process Parameters and Forces in Springback Compensation for AHSS

AutoForm Senior Process Consultant Offers Best Practices At AutoForm we often realize that as soon as we talk about HSS and AHSS the discussion quickly...

How Part Design Influences Springback: Positive Changes for Positive Results

Cross-Checking the Impact of Geometric Changes for Springback In this article Austin Davis, Application Engineer from AutoForm USA, outlines how changing geometric features of your...

Event Report: “Challenges in Springback Compensation for AHSS”

Questions on Best Practices Answered in India In this blog post Florian Mahle, Technical Process Consultant from AutoForm, shares two questions and his answers that...

The Press Itself: the Overlooked Part of the Press Shop

It’s Vital and Yet Often Ignored – Here is Why You Need to Look Again! In this blog post Dr. Eren Billur, leading hot stamping...

American OEM Gets Accuracy from Value Engineering Software for Prog-Die Costing!

Why a few holes can make all the difference In this article Alan Stimac, AutoForm Senior Technical Product Manager, describes the story that brought one...

AutoForm Receives Top of Quality GOLD Award

AutoForm Recognized for Excellence in Product Quality June 2019 was a great month for AutoForm and its Brazilian office. Along with several companies from automotive...

Sensitivity Matters: How Minor Changes to Input Can Massively Influence Your...

Addressing the Question of Simulation Accuracy from Another Angle In this post AutoForm Technical Director Bart Carleer revisits the question of AutoForm’s accuracy and challenges...

The Final Webinar! July the 9th! Experts Present AutoForm-ProcessDesignerforCATIA: a Live...

The Third and Final Webinar to See AutoForm's Tool Design Methodology in the CATIA Environment! For all fans of FormingWorld.com this is your last chance...

JOIN the Webinar! July the 2nd! Experts Present a Live View...

See AutoForm's Tool Design Methodology in the CATIA Environment at this Live Webinar! For all fans of FormingWorld.com we announce this special invitation. AutoForm normally...

Got Your Die Cost Estimation Wrong Again!? Why Cost Experts Need...

Comparing New Projects to Historical Tool Cost and Scratching Your Head – Avoid These Pitfalls of Cost Estimations and Embrace the Future In this blog...

Virtual Stoning: Surface Defects Analysis in AutoForm

Panel Surfaces Analyzed for Deflections Accurately Surface deflections are extremely shallow and hard to see. The technique of stoning is applied across a panel surface...

Consider Proper Process Parameters to Manage Springback

Understanding the Birth of Springback and Form Better Parts In this blog post AutoForm Technical Account Manager Mark Hineline from USA reveals how to get...

Performance Talk: What’s Behind the New AutoForm Release?

Understanding Principles of Improvement – a KAIZEN Story One of the main strengths of AutoForm software is its performance. Unlike more generic simulation software, the...

Inside the Anonymous Brazil OEM Door Inner Problem: See the Part...

Splits Solved for Brazilian Automotive Manufacturer In this blog post we continued our “Anonymous Customer Stories” series and reveal how AutoForm was used to rescue...

Gestamp Chassis Increases Productivity with FEA Tool Engineering

Streamlining Tooling with AutoForm-ProcessDesignerforCATIA Gestamp Chassis began developing its processes with the support of AutoForm's incremental simulation software solutions more than a decade ago. It...

Handling Surface Morph Key Points for Springback Compensation

A Methodology to Define a Deviation Vector Field Between Scanned Cloud of Points and Digital CAD Surface In this guest post, James He, an AutoForm...

SEE THE VIDEO! Create Your Own Friction Models and Import them...

A New Era of Accuracy for Sheet Metal Forming Simulation A hidden demand was lurking under the surface in the sheet metal forming world. Over...

SEE the Webinar VIDEO! Tribology in Sheet Metal Forming Simulations –...

Our First EVER Public Webinar: An Inside Look at TriboForm For all fans of FormingWorld.com this recording marks a special occasion. AutoForm offers webinars usually...

SEE the VIDEOS: Augmented Reality – New Possibilities in Forming Technology

In this guest post, Augmented Reality expert Michael Lechner shares feature videos from HOLOneering, demonstrating the use of apps for smartphones and tablets to...

From Supplier to Customer: Tool Information Transfer Just Got Better!

Inside the Tryout App from Tryout Solutions FormingWorld.com welcomes another guest post, this time coming from Thomas Kleiner, Geschäftsführer at Tryout Solutions. He joins us...

The Headaches of Tryout: Reducing Tool Recuts in Tryout Reality vs...

These Conversations Could be Damaging Your Tryout Following up on Volkan’s blog post regarding the Virtual Tryout vs. Tryout Reality, I will try to add...

AutoForm COO Detlef Schneider Talks AutoForm’s Future

Assembly Next for AutoForm Says AutoForm Board Member In this revealing post Detlef Schneider, AutoForm Board Member and COO, talks AutoForm’s future and gives insights...

PWO Group Expert Talks Trends and Formability Stability!

Dr. Jakub Machálek on Systematic Process Improvement In this guest blog post Dr. Jakub Machálek from PWO describes issues concerning the stability for part formability...

Practical Experience through Virtual Training – a New Era of Tryout...

In this guest post, learn how augmented and virtual reality can be used to train manufacturing professionals with the kind of knowledge normally gained...

Influences of the Binder force on Springback Results

In this blog post, Fernando Tersetti, Application Engineer from AutoForm Brazil, offers a comparison of springback results, between the use of a constant force...

Renault SA Proves Simulation Accuracy for Press-Hardening Processes

The automotive industry is currently facing various challenges in terms of design concepts. Legal regulations in a highly competitive market force automotive OEMs and...

Systematic Drawbead Design for Optimal Process Definition

Drawbead Reduction Strategy Put to the Test on B-Pillar Trial In this blog post we cover a method that can be utilized for systematic drawbead...

Description of EFB Research Projects for Metal Forming

In this interview Hung Nguyen, Application Engineer from AutoForm Germany, describes three current projects researching sheet metal forming at EFB and how they impact...
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