Fixing Multiple Problems Simultaneously: Powerful Geometry Modifications in Simulation
Introduction Most of the time, we think of things in reference to the extremes so we can better understand them. It is like reflecting on...
Grupo Segura: Simulating the Coldforming of 3rd Generation AHSS Steels
In the automotive industry, there is a constant tendency to find increasingly lighter and safer vehicles. For this reason, the materials used in the...
The Next Evolution of CATIA-based Process Design
For those who missed this online event, you can now see the webinar video! Please note: this video will only be available to the public...
Kickstart Your Stamping Process Feasibility by Using Smart Frontloading Technology
Accelerating Part and Process Maturation For those who missed this online event, you can now see the webinar video! Please note: this video will only be...
Elimination of Galling on Tailgate Outer with Improved Bead Design
Galling is a phenomenon in sheet metal forming, where the frictional force abruptly increases under specific conditions at the contact surface due to microscopic...
Numisheet 2022: What We Covered – AutoForm’s Kidambi Kannan Reports
The Numisheet Conference series debuted in 1991 (Zurich), focusing on challenges to, and advancements in, the numerical modeling of sheet metal forming processes: material...
Handbook for BIW Structure Design: Helpful Tips & Techniques
Hello! I've put some of my posts together as a simple handbook for automotive designers and engineers working with vehicle body structures — whether...
Advanced High Strength Steel Application Guidelines: Free Online Reference from Leading...
WorldAutoSteel, a consortium of leading global sheet steel producers, has a long history of promoting products and techniques that allow for their optimized use...
Industry 4.0 and the Full Digitalization of the Stamping and BiW...
Chapter 1: The Promise of Industry 4.0 for the Production of Automotive Stampings and BiW AssembliesThe automotive industry is currently focusing heavily on digitalization to...
Robustness of Stamping Production: the Role of Mechanical Properties for Sheet...
This is part 2 this series. You can see part one here, which explored the importance of material characterization in stamping processes. Now, Joao...
General Electric Appliances Sheet Metal Parts Transformation
We’re Building What Was Simulated
General Electric was started by Thomas Edison over a 130 years ago. GE Appliances (GEA), a Haier company has undergone...
Quantifiably Faster & More Accurate—But How Much Faster? Reviewing Numisheet Results!
The Numisheet conference is one of the most important global conferences on numerical simulation and analysis of 3D sheet metal forming processes. This year,...
Hands-On AutoForm Training for Toolmakers in México: Experience & Takeaways
Eager young students entering the stamping industry are always looking for a head start, while stamping professionals want to remain relevant by consistently improving...
Starq Y-Tec Proves Accurate Prediction of Body-in-White Assembly Process to Skip...
Prior to the current case study, the accuracy of AutoForm’s stamping and assembly software was confirmed in a joint study with Italy’s Fontana group....
How to Improve a Manager’s Review of the Sheet Metal Simulation
Recently, the AutoForm US office received an interesting customer request. The company wanted AutoForm to provide a simulation crash course for their managers. Managers typically...
Carbon Emissions in Focus: Hot or Cold Stamping?
The pressing need to reduce CO2 emissions has been one of the most highly discussed topics worldwide in recent years. In the manufacturing industry,...
Run Your Compensation Loops: Looking at the “AutoComp” Feature
Compensation inside of AutoForm has been a powerful tool for many years. This tool has enabled users to cut down on re-cuts of tools...
Achieving Smart Engineering Using Software Systems Engineering
For those who missed this online event, you can now see the webinar video! Please note: this video will only be available to the public...
50% Scrap Rate Damaged Tube Parts: Robustness Analysis Too Late!
Losing the Customer is the Hardest of All Lessons Recently, we were called in to consult on a tube part that our customer had been...
Stamping Company Cuts Their Tryout Time by One Third: India Steel...
The following case study comes to us from toolmaker Indian Steel Summit (ISS) based in Greater Noida, India. They are renowned across the country...
Tension-Compression Testing of Sheet Metal Alloys for the Calibration of Springback...
One of the main technical challenges faced in the design and development of stamping dies and manufacturing is the complex springback response of sheet...
Nissan Motors: Material Flow Prediction Using Advanced Friction Coefficient
1. Introduction Press forming tasks have been increasingly difficult in recent years due to advanced automobile designs and the use of high-strength materials for weight...
Reduced Man-Hour Case from YE-AN Applying AutoForm New “Die Spotting” Feature
Case study of reduced man-hour using AutoForm R10's new function 'Die Spotting' Yean has been making great efforts to build a Digital Process Twin in...
What Does a BIW Launch Leader Do?
Before start sharing some insights about the BIW Launch Leader role, I would like to get you on the same page about what in...
Rubbish in Rubbish out! Solving the data dilemma by Tata Steel...
"Rubbish in rubbish out!" This phrase originated in the 1970’s when computers were first used in Universities, today it can be associated with forming...
How Hu Chungang from Beijing’s BYD Die and Mould Rescues a...
BYD Die and Mould in Beijing is BYD group’s internal competence center for stamping tools, producing high quality tools for BYD Motors and external...
Hemming Process Simulation for BiW Assembly
For those who missed this online event, you can now see the webinar video! Please note: this video will only be available to the public...
Robustness in Stampings Production: the Role of Mechanical Properties for Sheet...
When it comes to quality, it is normal to think about the final result of the production process, that is, characteristics related to the...
Integrating Smart Engineering and Digital Quality Management
Expanding QM capability by using smart engineering results For those who missed this online event, you can now see the webinar video! Please note: this video...