Interview with Prof. Myoung-Gyu Lee on the Future of Stamping in...
Science Talk: Episode 1 - The New Blog Series In this blog post, we interview Prof. Myoung-Gyu Lee from the Department of Materials Science and...
High Strength Steel Forming in Star Wars “The Mandalorian” – a...
Best AHSS Series Review and Stamping Feasibility of the Protagonist's Characteristic Armor Last year, we reviewed the movie 8 Mile for our article on the...
How Cloud Power Creates Relief when Managing Increasingly Volatile Incoming Order...
User Report on AutoForm’s Cloud Solution Powered by Rescale
During the recent past many suppliers in the automotive sheet metal stamping industry have been faced...
Can Random Splits in Production be Brought Under Control?
Every die engineer is familiar with the accompanying feeling of satisfaction when, after weeks of hard work, the tools start to move and produce...
Join the AutoForm Global Webinar: Progressive Dies Stamping Process Engineering this...
From early feasibility study to tool tryout
Learn how to benefit from the use of AutoForm solutions to design progressive die line from the initial...
On Sushi and Social Media: A Multi-Cultural Perspective on Automotive Blogging...
An Exchange of Knowledge Between Japanese Toolmakers and the European Approach, Through a Distinctly Australian Lens. After spending most of his life in Australia, Sam...
Simulation-Based Inline Process Control: Franke Optimizes Production of a Kitchen Sink...
Staying Inside the Process Window with Simulation-Based Inline Process Control When stamped panels coming off a production line begin to split or wrinkle, draw-in is...
AutoForm and Hot Forming – Ten Years of Progressing With Our...
Reflections on Evolving Hotforming Simulation
Approximately 10 years ago, AutoForm launched its solution for simulating hot forming processes of sheet metal parts. This blog post...
Join the AutoForm Global Webinar: Accelerating Successes with Tube Forming Simulation...
Reducing CAD Work and Risk while Maximizing Quality Have you experienced this yourself? Before getting to valuable simulation results, you have to create tool surfaces...
Why Follow the Sheet Metal Forming Blog
Two Ways to Sign Up to Forming World and What’s Next! FormingWorld is the most visited automotive sheet metal forming blog online! Covering a range...
Hot Forming Process Simulation Reduces Try-Out loops at SUSTA Die Construction
“...In their rage, the gods forgot the secret of steel
and left it on the battlefield.
We who found it are just men
- not gods, not...
Numerical Simulation of the Hot Stamping Process of Usibor1500 Steel
Growing demand within the automotive industry for weight reduction and increased vehicle safety requires the use of structural components manufactured with steels of high...
Volvo Tool & Die: First AHSS Digital Compensation a Forming Success...
Adapt, Improvise, Overcome: Facing the Challenge of New Materials The Forming Analysis Team at Volvo Cars internal tool room has been using forming analysis solutions...
Yamasei Corporation Decreases Surface Defect Analysis Man-Hours & Tryout Correction Loops:...
Time is money! How many times have you heard this phrase? And how many times have you absently nodded along in agreement? Yamasei Corporation,...
Join the AutoForm Global Webinar: Quality Assurance of Patchwork Blanks in...
Achieving accuracy and making decisions using the process window approach
Patchwork blanks are increasingly used in hot stamping. However, the effect of patchwork blanks on...
Evolving Hot Stamping Process Simulation in Two Phases to Achieve Accuracy
The design and manufacture of hot-formed parts and the development of their manufacturing processes is more complex than cold stamping processes, demanding greater specialist...
Save Thousands with Just a Few Millimeters of Material: Revisiting Trimming...
Transmuting Just A Few Millimeters of Material into Gold In this article, AutoForm’s Gianfranco Ruggiero describes the challenges faced during the manufacture of trimming tools,...
Quick Turnover of Blank Size Estimation & Scrap Rate Reduction, Achieved...
Steve Hackett Shares the Success of his Eight Person Forming Consultancy
Curve Engineering is an eight-man operation in England specializing in process simulations, blank size...
How to Avoid Financial Risk at an Early Stage of Part...
Early Feasibility: The Right Way and the Wrong Way at Baseline
AutoForm Technical Account Manager Stephan Küper examines the importance of carrying out detailed early...
How an Advanced Friction Model Rescued Five Parts at Major Tool...
Predicting Wrinkles for Door Inner Parts Using the TriboForm Software In this anonymous blog post, one of the largest Chinese tool makers shares their results...
Takeaways of Teaching Stamping Simulation: Reflecting on Three Days with Two...
And Clues for Job-Seeking Students Looking to Stand Out
Whenever I see young minds entering the building, I am immediately reminded of my early career-seeking...
Pulling More from the Tensile Specimen: Going Beyond UE and UTS
Recent insights into extended capabilities of the tensile test The uniaxial tensile test – inexpensive and conventional – generates valuable data for characterizing sheet metal...
Tube Forming Process Perfection: How to Solve Your Everyday Problems Using Intelligent...
Introduction For years, CAE has enabled significant improvements and cost reduction in the process of parts forming. One such improvement is the combining of both...
Join the AutoForm-ProcessDesigner^forCATIA R9 Online Launch Event
High Quality, Efficient, and Integrated Die Process Surfacing
In today’s business world, there is an increasing challenge to perform faster while improving accuracy and quality....
The Pressure & Challenges: Building the Bridge Between Engineering and Tryout
Verification vs. Reducing the Unexpected in Tryout
There have been significant advances made within professional engineering departments through the use of software to predict and...
See the latest Webinar VIDEO! How to account for accurate friction...
Tribology, friction and lubrication play a key role in the production of high-quality sheet metal parts. In forming simulations, often a constant value for...
Join the AutoForm TubeXpert R9 Online Launch Event
Highlights presentation of the latest release Building on the success of former AutoForm TubeXpert versions, the new release of our software solution AutoForm TubeXpert R9...
Now Open to Everyone: The New Fundamental Material Training for Hot...
In this blog post, Dr. Alper Güner provides all fans with an overview of the new fundamental material training for hot stamping process...
Bringing Material Data to Life: Making Material Cards Meaningful Along the...
Hope for the Best – But Prepare for the Worst
Within the sheet metal stamping industry, the goal of a process engineer is to define...
Join the AutoForm Global Webinar: Quality Assurance of Patchwork Blanks in...
Achieving accuracy and consistency along the entire process chain
The hot stamping technology supports the achievement of safety regulation compliance as well as competitive product...